Gwen Arnold

Gwen has qualifications and experience in education, management and facilitation. She commenced her career working for the Victorian Department of Education, where she promoted interactive and inclusive learning, working in close partnership with parents and community organisations. Gwen pioneered the use of community network and linkage programs, which are now used in most Victorian schools.
Gwen’s passion for inclusion and the importance of the early years led her into the early childhood field and the provision of early childhood intervention services. Initially working in a direct service role and later in management, she was at the forefront of the introduction of Family Centred Practice, Family Partnerships and the Strength-based Solution Focussed approach.
In 1996, the service Gwen was managing received the State and Federal Award for Excellence in Service Provision for Children with Disabilities and Delays. In 2001, Gwen herself was awarded a Centenary Medal for her community involvement and work with parents and children. She has established and been a member of numerous local, state, and federal committees, particularly around policy development and strategic planning.
After 18 years in management positions, Gwen has spent the past few years completing further studies and undertaking short and medium-term consultancies. She has also worked for registered training organisations in the provision of management and supervision training, self awareness, team building, strategic planning, and establishing workable frameworks within workplaces and teams that reflect policy directions.
Gwen is passionate about the use of reflective practice to inspire and build positive outcomes and relationships for individuals, teams and organisations.
Gwen’s passion for inclusion and the importance of the early years led her into the early childhood field and the provision of early childhood intervention services. Initially working in a direct service role and later in management, she was at the forefront of the introduction of Family Centred Practice, Family Partnerships and the Strength-based Solution Focussed approach.
In 1996, the service Gwen was managing received the State and Federal Award for Excellence in Service Provision for Children with Disabilities and Delays. In 2001, Gwen herself was awarded a Centenary Medal for her community involvement and work with parents and children. She has established and been a member of numerous local, state, and federal committees, particularly around policy development and strategic planning.
After 18 years in management positions, Gwen has spent the past few years completing further studies and undertaking short and medium-term consultancies. She has also worked for registered training organisations in the provision of management and supervision training, self awareness, team building, strategic planning, and establishing workable frameworks within workplaces and teams that reflect policy directions.
Gwen is passionate about the use of reflective practice to inspire and build positive outcomes and relationships for individuals, teams and organisations.